
Showing posts from May, 2020

Never Take Panga with Seniors

एक वृद्ध ट्रेन में सफर कर रहा था, संयोग से वह कोच खाली था। तभी 8-10 लड़के उस कोच में आये और बैठ कर मस्ती करने लगे। एक ने कहा - "चलो, जंजीर खीचते है". दूसरे ने कहा - "यहां लिखा है 500 रु जुर्माना ओर 6 माह की कैद." तीसरे ने कहा - "इतने लोग है चंदा कर के 500 रु जमा कर देंगे." चन्दा इकट्ठा किया गया तो 500 की जगह 1200 रु जमा हो गए. जिसमे 200 के तीन नोट, 2 नोट पचास के बांकी सब 100 के थे चंदा पहले लड़के के जेब मे रख दिया गया। तीसरे ने कहा, "जंजीर खीचते है, अगर कोई पूछता है, तो कह देंगे बूढ़े ने खीचा है। पैसे भी नही देने पड़ेंगे तब।" जंजीर खीची गई। टीटीई आया सिपाही के साथ, लड़कों ने एक स्वर से कहा, "बूढे ने जंजीर खीची है।" टी टी बूढ़े से बोला, "शर्म नही आती इस उम्र में ऐसी हरकत करते हुए?" बूढ़े ने हाथ जोड़ कर कहा, "साहब" मैंने जंजीर खींची है, लेकिन मेरी बहुत मजबूरी थी।" बूढ़े ने कहा, "मेरे पास केवल 1200 रु थे, जिसे इन लड़को ने छीन लिए और इस पहले लड़के ने अपनी जेब मे रखे है।" जिसमे 200 के तीन नोट, 2 नोट पचा...

HELP !!!


What Matters



Hope A person who will not lose hope, patience, and faith in himself or herself, will be the winner for the year 2020.  It's a story of an entrepreneur who had no money to spend on his business because he lost his shares and lost his business due to some unavoidable circumstances but he didn't lose hope. He had confidence that he would come over with this situation.   The company owner started the business again keeping the vision and hope in mind. Someone closed to him asked him, Sir, we lost everything how we will start again. He advised to close the business as the condition was very worse and they had no money to pay to employees. The owner replied: we have people with us what else we need.  And when he asked his employees if they are ready to work without pay for some time, all said yes, because they had great trust and hope on their owner. And after a few years of hard work, they become the world leader. So is the situation again.  Ha...
You are Fired !!! My colleague was asked to leave the job.  Not because of Corona, but because her reporting manager didn't like her personally. She had a mindset if you are in HR, you have no right to be rude with people even if they do not deserve it.   Well, I don't believe in this. Even if your job required to be pleasant and polite in most of the situation, but if somebody doesn't deserve it, you need to not behave like the way you are not.  HR is also human being with lot of emotions. Her reporting manager was under impression that every day as soon as she enters the office, her juniors should say good morning to her and to all employees of the organization. Are you also in such a thought? then time to rethink on it. Respect doesn't come all like this.  Cheers SK
 Cover Letter  What is your cover letter? Somebody sent me a resume with a cover letter. The cover letter was almost kind of covering everything. So I didn't open his resume. I rejected him. My belief is if your cover letter is boring and shows the same thing which you have mentioned in the resume, it is a very unlikely recruiter who will open your resume and read it thoroughly. A cover letter should not contain your career history. A cover letter should show why you want to apply for a particular job and how you can add value to the role which is been mentioned on the job portal. You can mention your qualities to justify the role You can write what made you apply for this role. That's enough for recruiters to open your resume and see the detail. Best SK