
Showing posts from 2014

10 Reasons why people leave their jobs

You failed to unleash their potential – smart companies align employee passions with corporate pursuits.  Human nature makes it very difficult to walk away from areas of passion. Fail to understand this and you will unknowingly be encouraging employees to seek You failed to challenge their intellect – smart people don’t like to live in a dimly lit would of boredom. If you don’t challenge people’s minds, they will leave you for some place that will. You failed to engage their creativity – great talent is wired to improve, enhance and add value. They are  built to change and innovate. They need to contribute by putting their fingerprints on design. Smart leaders don’t place people in boxes- they are free them from boxes. What is the use in having a racecourse if you don’t let them run. You failed to develop their skills – leadership isn’t a destination- it is continuum. No matter how smart or ta...

Why do people Betray?

One of the bitter experience in life is being betrayed. Betrayal is serious because it destroys trust, and without trust there can be no relationships. Without trust, society families, institutions, and most certainly a marriage cannot function. Betrayal shakes a person to his core because it rupture his ability to trust. What causes people to betray the trust that has been placed in them? There could be three reasons. The first is excessive ambition, greed, lust or passion. When a person cannot control is overcome with three vices, he is liable to betray. A drug addict will betry the trust placed on him because his addiction is overpowering. It is greater than any sense of loyalty, integrity or honesty he may have. A person’s need to be wealthy and lead a luxurious life may cause him to steal embezzle or misuse information given to him in confidence. Overpowering sexual attraction may also cause a person to betray his marriage. The second reason could be a feeling that betra...

Key to success lies in Management

Most of us work hard in our respective area, but only a few get what they want. Working hard is just not enough. Why? Bad management to be sure. How one manages – particularly one’s life – is at the root of one’s success or failure. One more thing. It is not intelligence alone that can lead one steadily to one’s goals. A person who mismanages his intelligence is left. Out to repent as a failure whereas one who is an average person, but makes the best use of his managerial skills gets to the goal post the quickest. It is in this context that I read an interesting book, management by Walking by Dr. A K Agarwal, a ceo of a firm. The author, to give just one aspect of managerial qualities, stresses on grooming your mind to take the right kind to take the right kind of decisions. He quotes Mahatma Gandhi, “it is wise to be too sure of one’s wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err” One must, says the author deliberate hard o...

Why do we fear?

Most fears are nothing but movements of thoughts. A thought is a language that we give our words, pictures and feelings. You interpret a thought in your mind in a language that you are afraid and you experience fear. If there is no thought, there is no fear. When you are in deep sleep, a snake may glide close to you, but you are not afraid of that snake in such proximity because you are not thinking about the snake. On the other hand, when you are awake, the sight of even a coiled piece of rope can fill you with fear, because you think that the rope is a snake. Fears that are physical in their origin arise from a threat perceived in our immediate physical surroundings. For example, you may be in the jungle, and you know there are tigers in the jungle. You will genuinely be afraid. Even then, you can turn that fear into an enjoyable experience. What advertisers of adventure sports call an :adrenaline-pumping” or hair raising experience. Such fear also has great survival value....

Gone in less than 60 Seconds

Most of us have been told “Be aware increase your awareness” Awareness is such an important thing. If you are unaware, you will miss life. Only total awareness will bring you peace and happiness and will help you to get rid of sorrow, misery, unhappiness, anxiety and stress. We are able to spot unawareness in others easily. We frequently say “he is so unaware, it is obvious what he needs to do, but he just can’t see the point. If only he were more aware, life would be so easy for him and others. And though this sort of awareness about our environment and its components people, their reactions and emotions the weather, external events, one’s abundance or lace of assets and relationships are important, what is more crucial is internal or self-awareness. To be aware, one needs to be conscious, or mindful of all things external or internal. The biggest deterrent to awareness is our own mind. We spend a large portion of our lives inside our mind. Give yourself five or ten minutes ...

It’s good to forget

Everyday people face negative experiences. Whether of greater or lesser import, people generally like to dwell on these negative experiences. Once this becomes a habit, it has a negative effect. Then unpleasant experiences become a part of their active memory, till it becomes a jungle of negativity. So it is best to forget these kinds of sad events. Whatever happened was beyond your control, but it is in your hands to forget it and prevent it from becoming a part of your memory.  If others are not ready to take your advice on this, you had better become its first follower. What is education? It is not just the means of making you a degree holder; it is the gateway to the art of living. Education enables you to think, to discover the principal of life, and to correctly evaluate your experiences. Education gives you the ability to think what is wrong and what is right. It gives you the ability to think the difference between the achievable and un-achievable. If you are ed...

So much Enthusiasm

Live your life with passion. Edmund Hillary, the first to climb mount Everest with Tenzing Norgay, had faced failure thrice earlier. Later at party hosted in his honour in New Zealand, he looked at the portrait of Mount Everest and remarked” “Mt Everest has a problem… it cannot grow more than 29,000 feet, but I can grow i my ability to climb farther than that. That’s passion. Our lower self is jeevatma and the higher self is Parmatma. One can operate from either level. Operating from the higher self-consistently generates-enthusiasm. Any situation viewed as threat is an example of one involving the lower self that operates as an obstructing thought. The higher self operates as a supporting thought. If our immune system is weak, the body is prone to disease, if our psychological immune system is weak, we are upset, hurt, frustrated. Like our genes, our minds are also products of evolution of many years. When our psychological immune system is weak, we are prone to perceive ext...

The curse of Anger !

Anger blinds us and we see what is not. It disables our ability to judge correctly and we do things for which we repent  a life time. The Budha Says “Slay anger and you will be happy” With anger slain, one weeps no more. An angry man is an ugly man with peace and happiness miles away. Despite all the comforts he may have, he can’t sleep ; despite his wealth, he is poor. Filled with anger, he hurts others by acts of body and speech. Each one of us tends to gt angry over the slightest issue or irritant. Someone has hurt, you or your near and dear ones.  Someone has caused you or your dear ones material loss. Someone has not behaved well with you or your near or dear ones, and you get furious and do things only a mad person can do. True, all of us don’t react in anger and make a counter attack. The more sensible of us would like to “pass off” such cases as not our problem, but the problem of the person causing it. One must change the way of looking at such incid...

Please Suggest !

My friend is working with Xyz Company. Company works 6 days a week. He started one educational course and before enrolling for the course he did take permission of higher authority. Since he was in need of taking off on Saturday to attend classes, he asked the management if there would be any deduction on salary for Saturday. It was decided by employer there would be no deduction of salary of his during his course.  Later on employer reduced his salary on the ground that the other employees are creating problem for him getting off on Saturday. Then it was mutually decided that he would get deducted salary until he starts coming on Saturday. Now the course is over so my friend communicated to management that he would start coming on Saturday and no salary should get deduct now. To his surprise, his management told him that they would not give him previous salary. They will give him reduced salary on. When he asked reason of it, management had no answer. Now please suggest ...

Why interviewers are hesitant to provide correct feedback to the interviewee?

Almost every interview which my friends, family members or relatives have faced in the past, they got a reply from Interviewer is “will get back to you” and they never do that J . I don’t understand the reason of not providing the exact feedback to the candidate. I know it takes time to finalise the candidate but once you are through with that process, at-least inform rest of the candidates through mail or if they call you back, the exact criteria of not getting selected for that particular role. What makes interviewer afraid of it? I never leave the opportunity to provide feedback to the interviewee whenever I take interview.  It helps them to improve on the things which they are lacking and if there are other issues, it gives them satisfaction. Is it bad to provide feedback? Regards Sujata