
Showing posts from March, 2014

So much Enthusiasm

Live your life with passion. Edmund Hillary, the first to climb mount Everest with Tenzing Norgay, had faced failure thrice earlier. Later at party hosted in his honour in New Zealand, he looked at the portrait of Mount Everest and remarked” “Mt Everest has a problem… it cannot grow more than 29,000 feet, but I can grow i my ability to climb farther than that. That’s passion. Our lower self is jeevatma and the higher self is Parmatma. One can operate from either level. Operating from the higher self-consistently generates-enthusiasm. Any situation viewed as threat is an example of one involving the lower self that operates as an obstructing thought. The higher self operates as a supporting thought. If our immune system is weak, the body is prone to disease, if our psychological immune system is weak, we are upset, hurt, frustrated. Like our genes, our minds are also products of evolution of many years. When our psychological immune system is weak, we are prone to perceive ext...

The curse of Anger !

Anger blinds us and we see what is not. It disables our ability to judge correctly and we do things for which we repent  a life time. The Budha Says “Slay anger and you will be happy” With anger slain, one weeps no more. An angry man is an ugly man with peace and happiness miles away. Despite all the comforts he may have, he can’t sleep ; despite his wealth, he is poor. Filled with anger, he hurts others by acts of body and speech. Each one of us tends to gt angry over the slightest issue or irritant. Someone has hurt, you or your near and dear ones.  Someone has caused you or your dear ones material loss. Someone has not behaved well with you or your near or dear ones, and you get furious and do things only a mad person can do. True, all of us don’t react in anger and make a counter attack. The more sensible of us would like to “pass off” such cases as not our problem, but the problem of the person causing it. One must change the way of looking at such incid...

Please Suggest !

My friend is working with Xyz Company. Company works 6 days a week. He started one educational course and before enrolling for the course he did take permission of higher authority. Since he was in need of taking off on Saturday to attend classes, he asked the management if there would be any deduction on salary for Saturday. It was decided by employer there would be no deduction of salary of his during his course.  Later on employer reduced his salary on the ground that the other employees are creating problem for him getting off on Saturday. Then it was mutually decided that he would get deducted salary until he starts coming on Saturday. Now the course is over so my friend communicated to management that he would start coming on Saturday and no salary should get deduct now. To his surprise, his management told him that they would not give him previous salary. They will give him reduced salary on. When he asked reason of it, management had no answer. Now please suggest ...