Set only good examples in front of your kids because kids do what they see

You must set good examples in front of your children not because you want to show them you are good but because you want them to become good.

I will narrate a story to elaborate on this.

There was a family (Manish, his Wife- Sunita and their Son - Sonu). They were very poor. One day Manish went to visit the park and he met with one of his old friend named Deepak. Though they were good friends but Deepak was not aware about the financial condition of Manish. In a conversation, Manish invited his friend to his house as a formal curtsy thinking he would hardly come to house.

One day all of sudden, Deepak came to Manish's house without intimating him. When Deepak rang the bell of Manish's door, Manish peeked from the door to check who has come. When he saw Deepak, he got worried as there was nothing he could offer to Deepak as a host. He told his son to open the door and asked him to told Mr Deepak that dad is not in the house. His son opened the door and said to Deepak. Uncle, papa is saying papa is not in the house. Manish was listening to this. He came immediately from the other room and told Deepak that his son could not understood his sentence properly and swirled the talk.  He invited Deepak inside the house. 

Since there was nothing to offer, he asked his wife to do something. After all it is a matter of self-respect. After much discussion his wife suggested him an idea. She told Manish to bring something as a loan from grocery store. When he asked his wife how they would pay it. She told him that when Mr Deepak will go back he would surely give 20 or 30 Rs. to Sonu (their son) as a custom in Hindu culture. Manish got convinced. BTW, I forgot to mention, their son was listening to all this conversation.

Manish went to grocery store and brought biscuits and some items to make tea and returned home. Once they were through with all this, Mr Deepak asked to take a leave. When he was going Mr Manish and his wife was just expecting that Deepak will surely give something to his son. But they got surprised when he left the house without giving anything to Sonu. They got really depressed and tensed that how would they pay to the grocery person the amount. Meanwhile Mr Deepak returned back. Manish got surprised again and asked Mr Deepak "yes, please, have you come to eat again"? Deepak said, No, No I just realised that I didn't give anything to your son. Manish got a light of hope. He said oh, yes, please come inside. He called Sonu, When Mr Deepak was giving money to sonu, he neglected the amount. Mr Deepak insisted but sonu was adamant. Manish and his wife again got worried. Firstly, Mr. Deepak didn't give money and now when Mr. Deepak is giving, sonu is not taking it. Manish told sonu to take it. Sonu said to his father, dad i will not take it. When Manish asked why beta, he replied, dad u said he will give 20-30 rs. but he is only giving 10 Rs. It was embarrassing situation for Manish and his wife. 

So the crux of the matter is, beware in front of your children. Only set good examples so that your kids can follow it.


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