Why it is difficult to Be Positive always

Image result for positive thoughts

Now what, I was really enjoying my music on you tube the other day when suddenly pop up for some motivational video took my attention away from the music. As soon as I clicked on that video, I could not stop listening it further. The lady gracefully was explaining why it is difficult to be positive all the time.  In fact with my personal experience I can say myself, it is not possible to be positive always when you have got so many problems to solve. I tried many times to be positive but when I try to be determine on that, something negative happens so I lose my patience thinking I can never solve all the problems all alone. 

Now coming back to her video, I heard what she said was something unusual which made me to change my thoughts again. She explained that research shows our mind is blank and it doesn’t understand positive or negative thoughts. Whatever we would think it will get stored in our mind and will work accordingly. If our focus is on negative thoughts our mind will store it and will work accordingly. Sorry I could not share the video link here as my phone battery got down in between and I lost that video link.

This is what I stopped doing now. We as a human being have a tendency to get stressed with small, small things for no reason. Things which would happen or not but first thing which come to our mind is only wrong things will happen to us and that worries us. I understand we cannot be positive all the time because there is a chemical locha in our mind 😊. But we need to remove that chemical locha and make systems work for us. 

Now, I only store positive thoughts in my mind so I can get positive results. 

So, my learning for positive things are:

1.      Start your day with glass of water. I know you must be wondering what glass of water has to do with positive thoughts 😊. It helps you to drain negative thoughts from your mind early in the morning itself 😊.

2.      When you get up (I won’t say get up early in the morning because now a days there are many work shifts available which won’t allow you to get up early.) So get up as per your schedule and give your mind a positive thoughts only. 

3.      Don’t ever thing something bad will happen. I know it is difficult but once you develop this habit, no one can negate you from this. I am sure you will do wonder in your life. 

4.      Don’t be ashamed of something. Doesn’t mean you can do anything. 😊. Only thing which is good for you and for others. Be sorry for the things which didn’t work for you. Not for yourself. 

Sorry if there is any spelling or grammar mistake. I am not a professional writer 😊

All the best!!

Happy thought sharing!!!!

Love to hear your comments!!


Sujeet said…
Totally relate with the first paragraph 😊
And wil apply your tips 😊

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