How Important is Material World

 I joined a company. When I joined only 10 people were working in the company. Slowly we reached 100.

When there were only 10 employees, there was no facility in the company. We were working under very bad conditions. I once requested the employer to arrange an AC so that employees can work smoothly. He said the company does not have that budget. If someone has a problem, he or she can leave the job.

When we reached 100, the employer realized that computers / pcs / laptops are getting damaged due to heat. He immediately orders ACs without giving a second thought about the budget.

So, what I realized is Employees are not important. PCs/ Laptops / Computers are important :-).

Why do we give so much importance to material things rather than humans who are the source of designing those material things?

Any thoughts?




Raghav Mahendru said…
Because human are precious, or priceless.We can get another one then pay in the end of the month.But, material things are costly. We had to first pay for it, then we get it. Hence, our cost has already incurred

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