Life is beautiful if we see it beautifully :-)

 जीवन के दिन छोटे सही, हम भी बड़े दिलवाले, कल की हमें फुर्सत कहाँ सोचें जो हम मतवाले,
ये ज़िन्दगी दर्द भी है, ये ज़िन्दगी है दावा भी, दिल तोडना ही न जाने, जाने ये दिल जोड़ना भी,
इस ज़िन्दगी का शुक्रिया, सदके मैं उप्पर वाले,
जीवन के दिन छोटे सही, हम भी बड़े दिलवाले ! कल की हमें फुर्सत कहाँ, सोचें जो हम मतवाले

What a lovely song. This song has become my inspiration since the day I heard it. Whatever day (good or bad day) shall pass so enjoy every moment of your life!  Also, do not think too much on anything. If you got something good, do not show your excitement to whole world as if you have won the battle. Also, if you have not got something which you want to have, do not become too desperate to get it. As I always says, whatever you deserve and if you do your part of work you will definitely get it. No one can take from you.

This is what I feel. I do not want to force someone to follow my rules. If someone has better thought, please do share. Let’s learn from each other.


Unknown said…
Superab thinking n nice description of life m so inspired with ur thought m so happy to hv u in my life as a so sweet frnd
Unknown said…
It seems like you are after something or someone and you are not getting it and thats why you becoming such a sentimental doubt that song is good and has a beautiful meaning to it but still we live in present and have to accept it the way its going and not by changing ourself for something or someone else...good luck ahead....

Rodney (Raj) Tomlinson...
Sujata Kalra said…
not that way mr. Rodney, just trying to express what I feel :-)

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