What and how ??????

What should I do when nobody listen to me? What is toughest task of my life? What is goal of my life? Why do I do what I do?  These questions keep on ponding in my head every now and then and to my surprise I do not have answers of all these questions. More pathetic is when I say something and the other person do not respond properly.

Do you face the same problems? I guess yes. Most of you must been in a same state as I am. If not then you are the luckier one than me :-)

Do you have solutions for it? I don’t have. I feel somewhere or the other it is my mistake if people don’t listen to me. I think I do not communicate properly or I have some higher expectation than the other person can deliver. Also I feel the toughest task of my life is to meet all my expectation and fulfill the expectations of others. Why do we humans are like that? We want everyone to be fulfilling ours’ expectation rather than we meeting others expectations. 

I always think if I make goals of my life, would I be able to achieve all those goals of my life. I have always observed, I plan something else and I land up somewhere else. Where is the problem, I am still not able to find the solution. Are my goals too high or I am not taking action the way I should take to reach my goals. I read and hear lot of goal reaching books but I am unable to go by their thoughts and ideas. I am still struggling to get the answer. 

Let see when I can get answers of all my questions. 

Till then if you find answers of my questions, do let me know J


Unknown said…
Really questions with food for our thoughts. For now, I can say the following suggestions:
a)Do what you love to do.
b)Say and listen to yourself; do not say to others and never expect others to listen to you what you say
c)Put in 200% efforts in doing, not in thinking and planning.
d)Review your plans of action.
e)Change or modify plans if they do not work.
f)Execute plans effectively.
g)Worry about your dedication, discipline and devotion towards what you do, not about result of your actions.
h)To achieve any goal, set a small or very small goal, do for achieving it, achieve it, and then set a new bigger goal.
i)Again achieve the new goal, and set new heights and challenges of your goal
j)Finally, you will find that any goal you set, will be afraid of you that you will certainly accomplish it.
Unknown said…
In addition to Kantesh's comment, look at your locus of control and achievement motivation types
Sujata Kalra said…
Thanks to both of you :-)
..l said…
Sujata you are doing good, after reading your words i can feel the emotions. Let me tell you my opinion, the time you realize and start working on a situation you are going good. I have seen 99% of people are sleeping and not aware of their current situations. You feel emotionally strong by your words but at the same time the determination to go beyond your fears is missing somewhere and last when you want respect for yourself take action and let people know who you are. If people feel you can do something better they would rely on you blindly, but if they have doubts the respect is also doubtful. Follow your conscience and work on who you are...

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