Who is right who is wrong ?????

All HR Fraternity, please provide your POA on this case study.

You and your colleague go for a meeting.  Your colleague is driving the car. You both reach to meeting venue. You do your meeting and come back. 

While coming back, you ask your colleague, almost 4-5 times, if he is going back to office or not.  He says “NO" to you.  You ask him to drop you at nearby area so that you can go back home. You thought as it is already 5pm and office closes at 5:30pm, you should directly go home as it would be 5:15pm or so if you go back to office by bus.

You drop a SMS to your immediate boss stating you are not coming to the office and will update him about meeting status tomorrow. You catch the bus to reach home. When you are sitting in the bus you get a call from your immediate boss asking you why you are going home early and why you didn’t come to office. You reply to him stating as your colleague was not coming to the office,  also it would have taken more than 20 minutes to you to reach office by bus, you decided to go home. Also it is the closing hours of the office that’s why you didn’t come. Your boss says to you when your colleague can reach office within 10 minutes why you would have taken 20 minutes. You are shocked. First to know from him, your colleague has reached office when he was saying no to you. 2ndly your boss is not realizing the fact that it would have taken more than 20 minutes time to you to reach office by bus while your colleague had a car. Your boss after saying lots of other disturbing things to you disconnects the call.

As you are in an angry mood of knowing all this, calls your colleague immediately. Your colleague picks up your call after so many tries. When you ask him why he reached office when he was saying no to you? Instead of replying to your question, your colleague says to you that your Boss didn’t get your SMS. You ask him that getting my sms is different thing and ask him why he didn’t tell your boss that you did not come to office because of him. He has no answer to you and you hang off the phone. Also, you sent a sms to your colleague stating he should not have done all this things to you and you will not talk to him in future. 

Because you could not resolve this issue from your immediate boss, next day when you reach office you thought of discussing this entire issue with your M.D When you talk about this entire issue with your M.D, you get another shock by knowing from your M.D that your colleague has told him that “he didn’t say to you that he is not going to office”.  Also, your colleague has shown your SMS to your M.D and your colleague also tries to justify his act to M.D saying why would he come to nearby office area when he has no plan to go to office? 

Now things have taken different turn. Your M.D who also feels that you have done wrong things, makes you realize that you have your own responsibilities. 2ndly your M.D indicates you indirectly that you are jealous of your colleague because your colleague is getting much more better salary than you and says to you, you are at fault and you should not send sms like this to your colleague in near future. 

Now, tell me all who is at fault here and what you would have done if you are at same situation?

Looking for your answers please…


Unknown said…
in first case, irrelative of my colleague going to office, i wil ensure going back to office. secondly i dnt prefer SMS, its always good to have a verbal communication over the phone with your boss. A simple SMS is not good in professional life, especially to reporting managers. A simple call while you are about to start back afer the meeting, would have resolved all these issues.
Sujata Kalra said…
Would you please tell me your name?
well this is the backbiting in office by coworker. Most of the cases this happened because incompetent people try to show me first..
I hope this is the one common issue for your lesson learn.
I am not agree with above comments for mode of communication as we are working in IT world so now a days mail and sms is also a acceptable mode. You are good in one case that you communicate your Boss well. But other reason like bus and time to go home this is not justifiable. because during your working hour you have to be available.

Unknown said…
My Name is Kantesh. Though it is a backbiting case, a person who became the victim should learn from his or her own mistakes. Let us not raise the issue or validity of SMS or mail acceptability, but it is good to be professional and disciplined to oneself. So, please follow the guidelines of "Your Friend" to remain as a professional person.
Unknown said…
My name is Bharti Virmani. I would like to say that in professional life, you should behave like a professional. First of all, as "MY friend" said that a SMS is not the way to inform your boss. Yes this is right, you would have called to him informing that you're not coming to office. Probably, then your boss would understand you properly rather than listening to your colleague backbiting about you. Also you boss could understand you in more efficient way and your colleague could have been caught then that he is telling a lie. So SMS is a dangerous way of communication.

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