Hardwork plus Destiny !!!
I am the Best as GOD doesn't create waste.
When you do something, do it with your complete confidence
and leave rest up-to GOD and your entire work will get done with no hassle.
I know most of the times things doesn’t go the
way you plan them. Remember one thing. We have been sent by GOD and HE has
decided our each act before HE sent us on this earth. He is best planner for
our destiny than we ourselves. So even if things are not going the same way you
thought, GOD must have better plan for you.
I heard most the times people say that they can
change their destiny with their hard work. I don’t believe in it. Destiny and
hard-work goes hand in hand. Even if you feel that you can change your destiny
with your hard work, you can’t change. Many times, people give me example of
Mother Teresa, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and many more big shots. Had it been
everything common between them and us (their destiny and hard-work matching
with our destiny and hard-work), we all have been great shots of this earth
which is next to impossible.
What I wanted to say if you want the same
destiny, follow the same steps which they followed.
I myself a big example of hard worker but I haven’t
got the success the way I did my hard work. I don’t think I have left any stone
un-turn to get what I want but still I didn’t get it. Reason could be anything.
I decided the things which I was dreaming to get and didn’t get, must not be in
my destiny after doing my hard work part.
I just would like to say “Dream the things you
can achieve” and do not compare yourself with others.
Are you with me? I hope I didn’t de-motivate anybody.
I just wanted to say be practical and believe in GOD. If you want to be a big
shots, do the kind of hard work they did. Also, you should be going in the right
direction where your destiny is planned.