Are we honest?

Normally when you forget your mobile at unknown place, do you expect to get it back? I think most of the answers would be in “No”. In Delhi at-least you can’t expect to get it back.

I also lost my mobile phone long back. It was normal working day. I was going to office. That day I was in a hurry because I got late for office and was trying to reach office as early as possible. I took auto to reach to my office and when I reached nearby office I opened my bag to give money to auto wallah. My mobile was in my hand which I kept aside to get the money from the bag. When I reached office, I gave the money to auto wallah and during that transaction I forgot to pick up my phone. I got down and went inside the office. After few minutes I realized I left my phone in the auto. I was sure that autowallah must have switched off the phone but still I thought of giving it one try. When I dialed my no. it was ringing because my phone was in silent mode. I got little hope as it was ringing but I was wrong. I kept on ringing but nobody responded on the other side. I went outside to see if that autowalah is standing and waiting for some passenger. But when I went outside there was nobody. I came back office again and tried my no. again. This time my phone was switched off. I understood that I will not get the phone now. 

Now keeping that scenario in mind, my yesterday experience was something different. Yesterday something unusual happened which shook my heart internally. 

One of my colleague is in Calcutta to attend Durga Pooja. She called me on Wednesday i.e. 24th October 2012 to wish me happy Dussehra. We had a chat for 15 minutes then she hang off the phone. Yesterday evening when I was relaxing at night I got a call from her no. I picked it up and I got surprised to hear some-one else voice from her no. That lady asked me who am I and told me that my colleague has left her phone at shop. That shopkeeper gave the no. to this lady and asked to hand it over to my colleague. Since she was not having any other no. she saw my no. in her last dialed no. detail so she called me. She told me she wants to return this phone to my colleague. I was surprised to know this. Can you believe in it? 

In today’s time, when people are not ready to help, this lady took the pain of calling me and returning the phone back to it’s owner. It is unbelievable. At-least I never heard this in case of our city that is Delhi which is called Dil walah. 

Sometimes you have to be honest to show your face to GOD !!!


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