Understanding Corporate Culture

It is very difficult to cope up with corporate culture especially when you are new to it.              
 Here are few tips you need to take into consideration when you join corporate environment.

  • Limit your talk to work only when you are talking to your colleagues.
  • Do not back bite for other colleagues.  There is no guarantee if that person is sharing your information to others.
  • Even if you do not like the facility arrangement of the organisation. Do not complain about it to your colleagues. They would not be able to do anything to improve it.
  • Do not do bad talk about management in front of your colleagues.
  • Always appreciate the work of everybody.
  • Do not share personal information with colleagues in the office.
  • Do not do long conversation during office hours to your personal friends using landline or your mobile.
  • Do not over use lunch hours.
  • Reach to office hours before time and leave the office on time unless you have work to complete



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