Are we honest?

Normally when you forget your mobile at unknown place, do you expect to get it back? I think most of the answers would be in “No”. In Delhi at-least you can’t expect to get it back. I also lost my mobile phone long back. It was normal working day. I was going to office. That day I was in a hurry because I got late for office and was trying to reach office as early as possible. I took auto to reach to my office and when I reached nearby office I opened my bag to give money to auto wallah. My mobile was in my hand which I kept aside to get the money from the bag. When I reached office, I gave the money to auto wallah and during that transaction I forgot to pick up my phone. I got down and went inside the office. After few minutes I realized I left my phone in the auto. I was sure that autowallah must have switched off the phone but still I thought of giving it one try. When I dialed my no. it was ringing because my phone was in silent mode. I got little hope as it was rin...