Land of school – Holy or Horror place :-)

We all have special place in our heart for any school because it is the place from where we all started our basic education to become something in life. All that we are today is the result of how we have been groomed and re-conditioned by our teachers.

In earlier times, on the one hand,  school used to be our temple and on the other hand, teacher were treated as our GOD. Now, with the evolution of modern tools and technology in the 21st century world, it has become a tool of social status to earn goodwill than a sacerd place of learning.

All the stakeholders - government agencies,administrative department, educational planners - have made this place to just either earn money or join this profession to have easy life and pass the time. Similarly, children go to school to just get marks or certificates.And, teachers use school as a platform to earn money. So, what is lacking now in education in the present schooling system is the teaching of social and moral values, importance of social relationship, respect for others, especially the poor and needy. 
Teacher are not treating kids as the means or objects to make money, not to act as social reformers. This was not the case earlier when teachers used to set an example to their students with their behaviour and conduct. In the present scenario, students go to schools to score high marks so as to be eligible for admissions in good colleges and become professionals to earn money.

Believe it or not, I was reading newspaper the other day, and a news of teachers' insensitivity towards a 13-year-old child terrorized my minds. And, it made me think as to how a teacher can be so crude and wild.

A teacher cuased a severe beating to a boy because he could not do his home-work due to some reason. And, this beating was so harsh and cruel that the boy was not able to have his food with his hand. As a result of mental degradation and humiliation, that boy unfortunately committed suicide. But, before taking the risk of his own life and bringing an end to it, he left a note on his parent’s desk, stating that - "I am so frustrated and feeling humiliated by the teacher in school. My teacher not only beat me but also made me naked in front of other children. I was so embarrassed that I can not tolerate further humiliation. So, I rushed to home now, and am going to commit suicide now."

I am not saying giving punishment is bad. But, giving punishment to correct, not humiliate, should be the motto of any teacher.It is to be remembered that punishment should be like a learning lesson, not like a horror experience.

My dear - respected teacher -  please uphold the dignity of being a social reformer. Do not become a mental tormentor. Stop behaving like a devil. And, my dear students - please learm from your mistakes, share problems of schools with your parents, and take study seriously. But, for god's sake - do not think of commiting suicide. Do you know how your parents feel after your departure from this world. And, this society and world get deprived of your contribution for which you are born in this world. 


surprised .. how ur follower did not liked or commented on this article ...
good effort that u brought such topic in notice
Sujata Kalra said…
I am not superstar so every individual to follow me :-). i m normal human being which is trying to put across my views to people.
Unknown said…
Well presented and good thoughts!!! Keep it up!!!

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