Competition “A Threat or An opportunity?

How many of us are comfortable with competition. Aren’t we afraid the moment we hear the word competition? Most of the times, we try to give excuses in the name of competition. So when we say competition is high, we are actually escaping from the reality. Either we don’t want to work or we are so lazy to avoid hard work. If we want to exist in this world, we have to either “perform” or we will be “perish”. If we do not have competitor, we will be doing what we are doing, Competition gives us an opportunity to prove oneself. 

My dear Friends, nothing comes free and you all know this, then why we are not ready to face competition. Instead of focusing on competition or what others got, we should concentrate on ourselves. We all have ability to achieve what we want; the only thing which we need is persistence and hardwork to achieve what we want. Many of the times we become so comfortable with whatever we have, we do not want to put extra hard work to do something different and better.  

Getting success is not a one day or two day job, it is life time work. Forget about your competitor and get ready to work hard from today :-)


drakt said…
Brain has "FIGHT" or FLIGHT function.It dependes upon ur personality (decided by Genes) to eithe flee or fight in a given situation.Mostly people try to flee hence are afraid of competition.Where as few fight with the sitaution & hence are winners.Try to face competition,it sh' be taken as a challemge.DONOT SHY AWAY FROM CHALLENGE.FIGHT FIGHT....
“If you're not making mistakes or not taking risks that means you're not going anywhere.Be the part of Competition.either you can win or u can guide..::
Sujata Kalra said…
hmmm well said @dr. and rahul
fantastic and very much realistic.. good one keep writing
Unknown said…
antastic and nice thinking good one keep it up...god bless u
Sujata Kalra said…
thanks Ayush, Ashish
Unknown said…
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