Should we be introvert or extrovert?

Long back I had a conversation with one of my close friend. During the conversation, he asked me one question for which I had no answer at that moment. The question was if I am an introvert or an extrovert. Honestly speaking, that time I did not know the difference between these two words. Also, I didn’t answer him right away as I wanted to know the meaning before I responded to him. For this, I thought it would be better to buy the time in some way or other. So, I just shifted the focus from that question to some other question. 

This shift in the discussion gave me time, and after the conversation got over, I found the meaning of those two words. The knowledge of meaning created confusion in my mind.  And, the question was - as a human being; which option would be better in life? Becoming an introvert person or an extrovert person? This puzzling question forced me to brainstorm the "ifs and buts." Finally, after intensive and extensive analysis, I came to conclusion that being an introvert or extrovert is a very subjective question. And, it depends on situations and circumstances in life. Therefore, I can’t be extrovert on every occasion of life and vice versa. There is always a need to maintain a decency and decorum in life.

Furthermore, when I did research on this topic, it made me realized that people, mostly and generally, prefer to talk or discuss with others who have the same wavelength and frequency of temperament and belief system.

What I mean to say is - matching with others' temperament is essential to create a room of discussion. Thus, when I am an extrovert, I would prefer to talk to a person freely and openly. And, if I am an introvert, I would only love to talk to people who defends and protects the privacy of each other and never dig into any personal and private affairs. 

Keeping these facts into account, I have enough reasons to believe that - Why do we want people to change or adjust according to what we feel right or wrong? Why can’t we accept this fact of respecting an individual liberty and accept the nature of a person in the way that he or she is.

So, my question to you is - What is your take on it? Kindly share your views to enlighten the meaning of extrovert and introvert.


drakt said…
Being In or Extro is just a seeing from ur eyes only.U may see something yellow whereas someone else may see it ornage.Just your attitude.Somebody may be very outgoing hence extro,whereas someone may be a bit cautious is he intro...DO NOT See thro'eyes only..Look thr' ur heart & brain also...
Unknown said…
Good points have been raised. Hope to honour individual autonomy of a person. Well done, blogger!!! Keep it up!!!
Sujata Kalra said…
@dr. will speak dr. language :p, @kantesh thank you, without your support it is not possible :-)
based on situation .. better to be ambivert ... i m ambivert
Unknown said…
yes. you are right..we are overwhelmed by the circustances.. this is because we expect the things to happen in our lives exactly the way we wanted them to be..!!! which rarely happens and we swing into good and bad moods...

if we expect the things to flow at they are flowing and rather concentrate on what are upto and what is our stand in the things that we are working on.. we will be less affected by moods..
They will be there but our concentration would be to find our way out rather that acting and reacting to the situations and circumstatnces on which we do not have any control...-Nlesh Gandhi

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