Marriage !!!

A word which is joy for some, excitement for other, sadness for some and experience for allJ. There is a very famous hindi lines saying “Shaadi ek aisa laddo, jo khaye so pachtaye, jo na khaye wo bhi pachtaye”. But is it really true? If yes, then why people get into marriage?

You all now, marriage is a state, wherein if you have already gone through it, it has just become one of the completed processes of your life, but if you are single, you have high expectations from the person whom you want in your life, in the sense, how that person should look like, nature, status, education etc…, and if your expectations are not met, you are highly disappointed for whole life. 

I am still not able to find out the answer of why do we go for marriage? Also, once we have decided to go for it, why do we always complain and fight with our partner after marriage? Why we always change our expectations from time to time? Marriage is not for getting what you want; marriage is what you can give to your partner and also, what level you can compromise with your partner so that there is always a peace at your place. 

Now a days, it has become very common. People are getting into marriage, and then realizing the partner is not matching the expectations, they are getting into divorce on small-small issues without knowing the result of divorce. Please do not take rash decisions and do not make someone life miserable for whole life. Think twice before taking your life decisions. 

Trust me, no one is perfect partner and you can’t make someone perfect for you. You have to change yourself to become perfect for your partner. Also, it is not a one or two day job. It is a life time hard work. You need to be fully committed for your partner. Once you are involved with someone, give 100 % commitment to that person and do not get involve with third person in your life. Life is not expecting from others, it is giving to others. If you get something back, it is your luck else you just enjoy whatever you have.

I have shared this experience of my surrounding environment. I am still finding someone whom I can make perfect for myself J

Wish me good luck J

Happy Married life for those who are already married or getting married soon!!!


Unknown said…
wonderful thoughts!!!
Unknown said…
Rightly presented about life and marriage. Also, I thank blogger for advising others to give, not to worry about "take."
Sujata Kalra said…
Thanks Mr. Singh :-)
Unknown said…
hi suzy, nobody is perfect and people never satisfied ... environment and society always influenced you to get into the next level of expectation .. so think before you marry and be ready for secrifice or somebody will b secrifice :) for you or eitherway aroung ...

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