Mood swings!!
Today I am in a good mood. Yesterday I was not. I wonder if I would be
happy tomorrow. Why our mood swings every moment? Why don’t we have control on
our emotions?
I tell you one incidence which happened to me in a bus and which forced
me to write this article. I am talking about the time, when blue line bus used
to ply.
You know sometime something unusual happens to you and you cannot forget
those unusual moments. It was one of those kinds. As usual that day
also, I was traveling by bus, when I noticed something different. One Aunty g
who was sitting next to me, was talking to someone over the phone and seems she
was in a very bad mood. She was busy in conversation when conductor came to her
and asked her for tickets. Now that aunty g who was already angry,
blasted on him like anything. She bluntly said to him, “can’t you wait for
ticket”, neither I am dying at this moment nor I am running away from here,
just wait for some time, I will take ticket. You don’t have to worry for my
ticket. Now tell me you all, what is the mistake of conductor. Why
she blasted on him? Are we not ignorant of few things? What conductor has to do
with her mood?
Some days are learning days for you and it was one of those kinds of day
for me.
I always wonder why we are happy when something good happens to us and
why we are sad when something bad happens to us. Even if it is temporary, we
feel happy or sad. Don’t we have any control on our emotions? On top of it, we
expect others to be in a same state as ours. If we are happy at current moment,
we want, the people whom we are interacting should also be in same state and
vice versa.
We, as human, are very unpredictable. We want everything should work
according to our style, our mood, our status quo. But
why???????????????????? I am still searching an answer. Do you have answer, if
yes, do share.
Awaiting your comments!!!!